Forming machine TF+ to make large-sized biscuits

We designed a special TF Biscuit Forming Machine for a customer who had worked with our machinery. He needed a variation of the TF model more suited to his current needs. It was necessary to increase the maximum size of biscuit that the machine could make, maintaining or exceeding as much as possible the speed and consequently the desired production.

At the customer’s request, the conveyor must be longer than the standard one, so that a special table can be placed behind the dosing head where the customer can place a machine with which to dip the biscuits or other products with eggs.


On the basis of the standard machine, the dosing rollers are larger in size so that if previously it was possible to dose biscuits up to a maximum of 60 mm, it is now possible to dose biscuits up to 80 mm.

In line with the increase in size, the machine has also been mechanically and structurally reinforced to guarantee its correct operation and durability, while maintaining at least the performance of the standard machine.

The machine is adapted to work with 60 cm wide trays.

The yarn cutting system has been updated to offer greater regulation and simplicity.

The conveyor is longer and there is enough space to place a table on which another machine can be placed after dosing.

For more information see TF cookie making machine